replied to the topic Pain when getting a tattoo, advice?I in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 9 months ago
Fainting doesn’t have to have anything to do with psychology, it may as well just be physical.
I’ve never had a problem with needles before, but once when I was giving blood during a physical I all of a sudden fainted. The doctor explained to me that there are many factors to concider. I am tall for one and quite low blood pressure. But more…[Read more]
replied to the topic Why did my tattoo heal like this… in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 9 months ago
As people have mentioned, it looks more like a bad job by the tattooer than bad caretaking from you. A friend of mine got himself a tattoo kit a while ago and has done some small stuff on his leg and on some friends feet and leg. (Lets don’t get in to how stupid all of this is, at least they’re only messing up their feet…). Because he don’t know…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoos and the nightclub scene in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 10 months ago
Showing off tattoos in night clubs and such I suppose is concidered pretty lame. Sure, whenever I go out I show my tattoos but that’s because I like wearing t-shirts and then I can’t hide them.
Tattoos for me don’t necessarily have a specific meaning. I doesn’t have to “Miami Ink drama” over everything. I didn’t get them because it’s cool either.…[Read more]
replied to the topic First Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years, 11 months ago
Don’t know what the logo looks like (don’t care for american basketball or baseball or that thing you call football with your hands 😉 ) but I say if you want to get it on your back it should be big. Really big so you do a full back piece. Do you love the team that much? And is that gator material enough for a back piece? You seem to be a big guy…[Read more]
replied to the topic Not getting a tattoo that you really want in order to conform to society (work) in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
It’s interesting to see how tattoos seem to treated differently in different countries. I’m from Sweden and the only reactions I have got so far is “wow”, “awesome” and “nice” (and of course; “you shouldn’t add colour to that, it looks good already”). Sure most of them are in their mid 20’s but from work, where I am only one of two under 30, the…[Read more]
replied to the topic All done in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 11 months ago
Almost laughed when I saw it. In a GOOD way!! Because of all the strong colours it looks so positive it’s hard to feel anything but good 🙂
replied to the topic First tattoo (beneath the ear) in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
Yes it will hurt, but it will pass. If you’re too afraid of pain you shouldn’t do it. But once you’re sitting there it will feel okay, like something you can overcome. The pain is extremely temporary. The healing is worse, in an annoying way.
If it’s a good idea for a first tattoo? Only you know really. It seems like it’s something you really…[Read more]
replied to the topic Pain when getting a tattoo, advice?I in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
Nothing really. Before my first time people said that the first time always good because you don’t know what’s coming and therefor a more nervous. Hell no…
First time was awful. Probably because I couldn’t get it out of my head what people had said. On the other hand my first sitting was five and a half hours. I did not know that was concidered…[Read more]
replied to the topic Wanting to add on. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
“Family” and “One love” are quite warm words, so perhaps you could tuck it in with something? Clouds, fog, decorative lines?
replied to the topic Hey, check this out! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
1.Name: –
2.Age: 26
3.Ethnicity: –
4.Occupation: Journalist
5.How many tattoos do you have?: one 3/4 sleeve, more on the way
6.What style of tattoo do you prefer?: all kinds. However I’m unsure I will do anything except Japanese.
7.What are your reasons for getting tattoos?: peer pressure… represents strength Miami Ink style… No, seriously, it…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Question About Body Growing in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
With risk of sounding repetetive:
As Sherav said, the tattoos will only be affected if you gain or lose a lot, but it think it also has to do with how fast. Steroids for example may cause your skin to burst which may damage the tattoo. However, when you grow at normal speed the skin stretches naturally.Just a question about the meanings of your…[Read more]
replied to the topic Question for those with Japanese style tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
vaglocker;65319 wrote:
Japan is a very homogeneous culture bordering on racist when it comes to anything or anyone non-Japanese. So tattoo’d or not you will be an outsider when you go there.My point exactly. I expect to be ridiculed rather than concidered a criminal so to speak. Based on people who’ve been there and what they’ve said about…[Read more]
replied to the topic Question for those with Japanese style tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
The thought crossed my mind but it wasn’t anything I cared about. Of course I’m aware that irezumi (as it is called in Japan) has a history with the Yakuza. And still you’re not allowed to visit certain bath houses, gyms or any other places where you might show some skin, if you’re tattooed. And body suits are still very common among the…[Read more]