Sexy Sel
replied to the topic Miami ink tattoo? in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years ago
You do know the people you see working on the tv show aren’t really in the shop. There are other people that work there. Miami Ink is a real shop thou. I believe there is a minimum charge of $100 no matter what size the tattoo is. If you want to get onto the show you have to go to the TLC miami ink website and tell them your sad story. No story no…[Read more]
replied to the topic 'Miami Ink'…where do the guys buy their T-Shirts? in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years ago
There is a miami ink website and they sell loads of t shirts, hats and hoodies with their designs on them
replied to the topic Guys! What do you think of a girl that has just a few tasteful tattoos? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
I’m not a guy but i don’t see the problem with girls having tattoo’s. I’m a fan of small tasteful tattoos on women i think they look classy not trashy. The places you could think about getting them done are wrist (Can’t wait to get my wrist tattoo), the back of the neck is a nice place and also on the hip is nice.
Lower back, Ankles, Breasts,…[Read more]
replied to the topic Do tattoos work out when done over stretch marks? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
You can tattoo over scar tissue and stretch marks. So many people say you can’t tattoo over scars when you can. Ask your artist or even do a google search there are 100’s of before and after photo’s of scars that have been tattooed.
replied to the topic how much do the LA ink cast charge for tattoos? in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years ago
Kat charges $500 an hour so i think you should think of going to another shop because it’s going to be really expensive at LA ink.
replied to the topic My new tattoo. Hot or not? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years ago
First of all well done for getting that placement i know it can really hurt gettin a tattoo there. It’s going to be AMAZING when it’s finished. It looks sooooooooooo beautiful, you really shouldn’t be unsure about it because it’s lovely. It’s going to be totally stunning when it’s all colored in and i hope you post a picture when it’s finished.…[Read more]