replied to the topic The Parrot in the forum Jokes and Humour 15 years ago
haha made me chuckle lol
replied to the topic Jobs that discriminate in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
yeh that sucks. and its what is happening today. it annoys me so much, there is no need to judge so why do it? its just art…
replied to the topic Tiger tattoo finished! in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago
yeh i like that alot. im a tiger fan myself and have one on my arm too but nothing like that… do you have a another pic but a bit further away?
replied to the topic Girls and tattoos? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
yeh i think women with tats are hot too. each to their own i guess. but one thing i do hate. and thats being judged because of our tatoos. it annoys me so much that i created a facebook page for others to join. see sig for more info. but yeh i hate that. why do they judge us?