replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 7 months ago
We do, but just local stuff. Nothing earth shattering, and mostly turn out to be normal aircraft.
replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 7 months ago
The ghost is the logo for my paranormal team.
replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 7 months ago
Almost done. One more round to touch up, fill in the bare spot just above the ghost, and to work on the little girl. She is the only thing that will a small touch of color.
replied to the topic Elbow Tats in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 7 months ago
Elbow wasnt bad for me. Just felt like something was vibrating really hard on the bone, but didnt feel like a needle. If that makes since
My wrists for some reason have been the worst so far, and its just as my guy pulls the gun off. Talk about burn. Feels like someone lit a match and just holds it on my wrist where he was working.
But Im a…[
replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 8 months ago
Go in tomorrow to get my sleeve started. Pretty excited, perhaps a little to excited.
For my stupid (cant stand the site of my own blood) issue I read to try some hard candy or pop for the sugar and carbonation.
I can see the sugar maybe helping so I picked up some Cinnamon Jolly Ranchers (like there is any other kind).Ill post pics this…[Read more]
replied to the topic Pin-Up girl tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 8 months ago
Im new here so take my advice for what you think it worth.
It all depends on the artist. Ive seen really classy pinup girl tats, and Ive seen really trashy pinup girl tats. Its all about finding that right artist. Or atleast it is in my opinion.
replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 9 months ago
We are actually 100% non profit.
Sorry, no stories on slimer. But Ill keep looking
replied to the topic Tattoo idea… in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 9 months ago
Couldnt agree more with Poesy. But then again it took me a half dozen tats and 20 years to decide on the exact theme I wanted for a sleeve. Which is something Ive always wanted, but could never be sure on the right design for me.
Japanese style tats are awesome. I considered them myself, but it seems like they are like flames on a car. Those…[Read more]
replied to the topic Where were you 20 years ago in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 9 months ago
Paranormal does cover a broad range, but we mainly research the type of paranormal activity that people believe they have in there home or business. Ghosts if you will. We have been around for about 3 and a half years now, and if you have ever seen the television show Ghost Hunters we are alot like them. As a matter a fact we are the TAPS…[Read more]
replied to the topic Pain when getting a tattoo, advice?I in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 9 months ago
igoring alot of this thread due to the nature the posts/replies
However I am one of those *gulp* fainters. What I found out when I was about 25 is that I cant stand the site of my own blood. Anybody else is fine, but when I see my own its like Im looking through a closing tunnel and I start getting dizzy. And the same thing happens when I…[Read more]
replied to the topic Has anyone used this ? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 14 years, 9 months ago
just ordered the double kit. Wanted to make sure I have enough for my sleeve in a few weeks.
Around here (10 years ago) they were still telling people to use neosporin. Yea, so I have a few faded black and greys.
replied to the topic Tiger tattoo update-healed in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 9 months ago
Now thats what Im talking about. Awesome
replied to the topic Family Crest in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 9 months ago
Very cool. Ill be getting a similar one soon but for a different clan.