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Sounds like the artist may have overworked the area or you have clotting issues. I would recommend a light coating of antiseptic cream and get it checked for any signs of infection as you have to make sure it keeps clean.
I would recommend a visit to the gp and get it checked.
Also do you have a current photo?
Take care


Hi I like what you have done especially the surrealism.
As for apprenticeship you need to bulk up the portfolio to show you can handle a wide aspect of drawing.
I would recommend drawing from anatomy books especially hands (they are hard to master).
Also get some fantasy, wildlife, butterflies, pagan and religious artwork etc.
Also show potential employers different modes such as oil on canvas, chalk/charcoal etc.
Most of all don’t get discouraged and keep trying.
Take care


If you love the ink and intend to get more by the same artist build up a professional relationship repeat work will always pay much more than a one off piece.
Also it’s good practice for the artist to perfect their techniques.
Looking forward to seeing a pic of your tattoo.


Hi to begin with you need to allow the skin to breathe as the tattoo is an open wound. I would recommend cleaning down morning and evening with warm water and pat dry. A small amount of antiseptic savlon for one application will also clear the gunk. The ooze is an attempt by your body to scab and won’t harden if moist or you tear the surface by removing the dressing. This is caused by a protein called fibrin and is normal for a surface wound.
Infection is swelling discolouration and burning.
Take care
Also as said stress slows down the immune system


Glad it was practice skins and not your leg 🙂
As first attempts go it is a good effort but as said you need to practice on liner control (outline is a bit wobbly). Also always pre-sketch as the spacing is out which makes the tattoo look distorted.
I would love to see some paintings you have done as will better give an idea of your art style and composition.

Take care


Hi Selena
Without a picture it could be a number of things. Bruising is common as the skin is taking a lot of damage by the needle so not uncommon. It could also be a small blow out where the ink has leaked into the further area of the skin.
This would have to be fixed by the artist once healed.
Take care


Hi been from the UK it is 18 or nothing when getting inked.

That said looking through various state legislation on the matter the artist is liable for physical or sexual assault on a minor (depending on where the tattoo is) and so would be double sure to check any and all ID presented.

If they don’t bother to do this despite the possibility of bad ink you could also end up with a collection of infections of HIV, Hep, etc.
Lets face it if they don’t give a damn who they ink they might not give a damn about hygiene either.

From personal experience laser removal and skin graphs really really hurt. I’d tell your friends to wait and really think about what ink they want.

Take care



I found it quite an exciting piece to look at. Also makes a great cover up.
I think with the face it could always have a little shadow or rouge to the cheeks (but that is personal preference).

I am a sucker for butterflies and moths as well as floral so that aspect is a great piece of art for me.

Take care



Really pleased for you both.



Peter thanks for the images the second one is a very intriguing use of cloud and shade which I really like.
That portrait is kinda odd but I can see the appeal – almost has a Polynesian hint to it. I really like art that challenges me.

I am thinking of a fairly old school style inspired by an artist called Giora Eshkol he did some really fantastic nude studies on oil ( and some of his stuff is really odd (in a good way :)) but this particular is the one (minus the people) from which I want to base it but with more detail on the face.

I just wish I could afford to commission him.

Thanks for the input though!



Hi I like the progress of the piece.

As for extending there are many things that you can do. If you want to continue with the religious element you can have the angel overlooking Mary and Yeshua as a baby.

You can have the hand extended so that it is pointing down to a symbol or scene of choice;


Templar knight kneeling in prayer

Torah/Religious scrolls

Crosses/crucifixes, altar, shield, tomb etc

Have the hand resting on the head of a lion/lamb/ supplicant or even resting on the lip of the grail.

You could also extend the piece to show more of the chapel such as a stained glass piece.

The only limit is that of your imagination.

Take care


The outer part of my backpiece along the rib edges really hurt and the lower part across the kidneys felt like he was pouring in acid.
The most painful ink I had was over a skin graph on my leg and I was close to tears after 3 hours.

Oddly a reshade on my arm was hardly anything but a light scratch.

I asked a friend who had their lips fully shaded and outlined (permanent make-up) and she said that it was agony afterwards as they swelled and cracked, but whilst being done was no worse than her arm ink.

Her lips did look like she had been badly beaten for about 2 weeks.

Take care



Constructive criticism;

First of all I would suggest a relining on the outline of the cat on the left. It needs to have thicker and bolder lines, especially around the ear and nose.

I would make better use of shading around both cats – they both look a little fuzzy and with better depth it will help with the size perception.

The cat on the right would benefit from a deeper shade and fill on the stripes and also both could use some touching up with white highlights for tone and comparison.
Peterpoose’s ink gives a good example on the use of highlight and shade.

The line work on the fangs also require a bit of extra bolding as there is slight wobble – easy to fix that.

With a good artist that piece can def be turned into a decent piece of art. You could also consider having leaves or shade background to bring it more together.

Alternatively you could get a major full backpiece and have them covered over without too much trouble.

Take care


Love the design but on the shin? 😮
I remember my leg ink where it just slightly touches over to my shin I thought I was shed a few tears.

@ Graycat you got your vulva inked? Out of thousands of tattoos seen in person/correspondence you are only the third person I know to have had that done. Both the other 2 told me they ended up throwing up from the pain.

Personally I think only if my life depended on it I could handle getting genital ink.

Take care


That is a seriously creepy tattoo – but well executed and a great piece!
Would love to visit Norway for some ink but seriously expensive country to tourist in 🙁

I will have to keep saving.

Take care

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