replied to the topic Hello Lovely People! in the forum Introduce Yourself 12 years, 6 months ago
Hahaha! Well we have a lot of lively debate about ‘Street Art’ v ‘Graffiti’. A lot of the guys who hang around the shop consider themselves to be graffiti ‘writers’ and frown on the whole ‘street art’ thing, or at least consider it to be a totally separate art-form entirely. We have people who are into forms of street art like sticker-bombing and…[Read more]
replied to the topic Anglia in the forum UK Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I manage Sith Tattoo Studio on Heigham Street (Not the Ink Clinic at the other end of the street!) What kind of thing are you looking for? We have artists with different specialisms so it would very much depend on what you are looking for 😉