replied to the topic Chris Garver….? in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years, 1 month ago
it’s a toss up between kat and garver. i love kat and she is so very talented but i am not big on black and grey. i love color. so garver wins, plus he is super hot!
replied to the topic New tattoo on my shin? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 2 months ago
it’s normal, because it is on your leg which is farther away from your heart so your circulation to the area isn’t as good. my husband has had both of his legs tattooed and he experienced something similar.
replied to the topic How to find someone to draw up my new tattoo? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 2 months ago
your best bet would be to utilize one of those tattoo shops you spoke of. it doesn’t cost for you to look at the artists portfolios so look at them until you find an artist who’s work you love. (ask if they personally drew the tattoos and that it’s not flash) then you may feel better about paying some money up front. my artist required a deposit…[Read more]
replied to the topic Do you think it will be regrettable to get a tattoo on my back of a… in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years, 2 months ago
not at all. i have quite a few friends who have gotten tattoos of paintings. my husband is planning on getting one soon too. i have never really found a painting that has awed me so much that i want to get it permanently inked on my body but if it means that much to you, you should definitely get it.
however you should wait until you are old…[
replied to the topic memorial tattoo. how big should i get this?? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years, 2 months ago
to get any kind of detail, especially with a penny the tattoo would have to be fairly large but the artist would be the best person to tell you the ideal size for the tattoo. i would say the whole thing would need to be atleast five inches tall and however wide to make it look proportionate. when i imagine the image you describe i see a realistic…[Read more]
replied to the topic Is it normal for the new tattoo on the top of my foot to be oozy ( gross) after in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 2 months ago
it sounds like it is doing fine but the socks and shoes definitely didn’t help anything. that is one of the most important things when healing a foot tattoo. you shouldn’t be using any antibacterial cream or ointment on it. are you washing it with soap or just water? you should be washing it with an antibacterial soap a few times a day but it…[Read more]
replied to the topic I am looking for a tatto/drawing done by Chris Garver, it is a Oni mask with in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years, 2 months ago
do you just want to see what it looks like or are you looking to get a similar tattoo?? any tattoo artist who specializes in custom japanese style tattoos could do something for you. my tattoo artist loves to do japanese masks and is great at it. check him out
replied to the topic is it okay to wear a bra with my new back tattoo? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 2 months ago
whenever i have my back worked on i put on a tank top then my bra then another shirt that way the bra strap doesn’t rub directly on the new tattoo, also wear a bra that is a little lose so it won’t be too tight.