replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 15 years, 11 months ago
Hahaha, rather you than me then – remind me to never get married if that is the case!
Well I’m hoping to be able to visit my local piercer this weekend, they might be able to help, but I’m doubtful as they only do certain piercings usually, and lip isn’t one of them. But it’s worth a try. Otherwise, I’ll cry or just wait to get some pliers.
replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 15 years, 11 months ago
Thanks Matthew, so am I!
I did consider investing in some pliers and I probably will eventually, I just can’t right now, being a skint student and what not. -
replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 15 years, 11 months ago
It’s 8mm, I can get the segment out no problem, I can put the ring into my lip no problem, it’s just fiddling around with the segment trying to get it back in that I can’t seem to do.
I’ve read that I need reverse pliers to open the ring ever so slightly, to put the segment back in, apparently that’s the only way to do it. -
replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years ago
Hiya Matthew,
I will wait til I see my tattooist/piercer tbh, I don’t even have normal pliers being at Uni and all. Thanks for your help though. It was my bad – not ordering some pliers and what not. I guess I was just being hopeful that someone could have an alternative. -
replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years ago
Yes, you do. But me being me, I didn’t think about it properly and didn’t order any pliers. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions as my ‘local’ piecer is an hour away, and I don’t drive.
Thanks for your help though. -
replied to the topic Hiya Everyone in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
Thanks for the welcomes again peeps. =]
Loooove The Killers, will have to go in search of that vid.
replied to the topic Hiya Everyone in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
Thanks for the welcomes. =]
replied to the topic New Tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 16 years ago
Ooh, very nice.