replied to the topic hey from squid in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years, 4 months ago
@AhshKoshBGosh 29126 wrote:
Hehe cute… welcome Squid!! 😀
I’LL ASK…not to be rude or anything BUT…any particular reason why they call you Squid? :p
it started as my dad when i was born called me squid
i lost the nickname for a few years, then my sisters started it up again
after watching rocket power.
now every1 calls me it -
replied to the topic Are your Markings Meaningful…??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years, 4 months ago
@AhshKoshBGosh 28826 wrote:
lol yea I have a friend like that, i ask for a meaning to his hippish tattoos and he’s like uhhh (insert some sort of BS about life and what not here) and you can clearly tell he doesnt even know what the symbol itself means. I have nothing against hippish symbols but if your gonna tattoo your body with them at least…
replied to the topic Are your Markings Meaningful…??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years, 4 months ago
@AhshKoshBGosh 28823 wrote:
I thought the same about them telling a story. It makes them that much more interesting and unique.
its true, i knew a few people that are check my tattoo out
and i ask them why they got it
and a blank look comes across their face like
iono just cos -
replied to the topic Are your Markings Meaningful…??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years, 4 months ago
all my tattoos have meaning, i don’t think all have to, but it is good if they tell a story