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I appreciate all of your opinions.

Thanks again.


@ArniVidar 131823 wrote:

I am just worried that you are rushing into this far too quickly, and will end up not liking it any more because you’ve gone for something you don’t really want. Just be sure it’s truly what you want before going through with it. Monday can wait indefinitely if it means the difference between being certain and being on the fence.

Thank you for the concern, really. 😮 (not sarcasm) I am certain that I want to fix it, without making it much larger. I am not on the fence about coloring the molecules in. If I add anything to it, it makes it more complicated than I would like for it to be… I would like for it to stay simple and adding color seems like the best way to keep it so. The only thing I am on the fence about is the actual color aspect, because I really have little preference, other than cooler colors.


@ArniVidar 131817 wrote:

Is that really what you want?

I don’t see any other choice really. I don’t want to do a coverup because I don’t want any other tattoos, but I can’t leave it looking the way it does. Originally I thought the only way I could represent molecules was the way they currently look, but I found other ways, so that if I shaded them in they would still represent it right.. If that makes sense. It bothers me that it’s such a new tattoo but it looks so old already. I don’t want to leave it like that.


I agree to an extent… I think they can have an effect on us to some degree…

Making a decision like this is hard to do when you’re not into color or are into too many colors, not one scheme in particular. I don’t want a rainbow tattoo.. hah.


Ha I like those!

I think the watercolor is beautiful. I’m into purples and blues.. but what I’ve researched, there’s not much relation with those colors to anxiety. “Green” is the color of the anxiety awareness ribbon, but honestly green would be the last color I’d do… it reminds me of grass. lol.

I see red linked to anxiety the most…. it’s said to increase your heart rate, make you feel emotions more intensely, aid in fight or flight response… etc. But I’ve heard the same for yellow.. and it’s supposed to make babies cry.. wtf? .. Really.

I think I might look into watercolor. Isn’t it true, though, that not all artists can do watercolor?

Thanks for your input. I appreciate it. 😮


@Sam-I-Am 130402 wrote:

My leg has lizards and plant life. It will morph into an aquarium / undersea theme as it wraps up my right side. I never thought about oysters until peter’s comment.
Oysters or scallops could be interesting. Hell, I’m already planning a lobster.

My fiance would LOVE that! He works two jobs; one with exotic reptiles and the other with saltwater aquariums…. Wants to get a seascape on his leg, I bet yours looks awesome. I would love flowers or something but I don’t want my arm to look like a garden..


@Sam-I-Am 130395 wrote:

I think an oyster tattoo may be viable. Have it open exposing a pearl. Perhaps a black pearl at that.

Oh no thank you! lol. I want to fix it first, or try… I’m not good thinking of tattoos when they don’t have any specific meaning to me.. I would love a half sleeve, but I don’t think I could ever come up with enough stuff to put on my arm forever! (and would be beaten within an inch of my life. haha) .. But if that was sarcasm forget everything I just said… :rolleyes:


@buttwheat 130371 wrote:

Click here to find the wisdom that you seek

Gosh I love ya’ll. 😀 Thank you! I’ll see if I can find something…. If not, back to high school I go. Lol.


@buttwheat 130354 wrote:

Get it covered with this

Oh BTW Barb you don’t look squishy to me.

Oh man, hahaha. That’s great. I would like to try and fix it first.. I’ll cover it if all else fails. Now I just have to find out if shading in a molecule will change it.. If anybody else is checking out this thread and knows where I could possibly find that information, that would be fantastic! … Because right now I’m considering going back to my old high school and asking my chem teacher.. lol.

..Oh, and I’m not really “squishy” anymore. My fiance gave me that name when he first met me.. down 30-something pounds, hence my tattoo artist saying I’m “too skinny” to fix my tattoo… :confused: Squish just stuck, I like it. 🙂


I’m surely thinking about it. I just don’t know what to cover it up with.. lol :confused: .. grr.


Thanks for all of the input everyone.. I went into a well known shop earlier today, and they told me it was totally fixable. However, I don’t want it to end up being a big blob.. so now I have to decide whether not coloring it in will do more harm than good, or if I should just relocate the tattoo, or cover it and re-incorporate it into the fix. I wasn’t planning on getting any other tattoos right now, but I think it would drive me crazy if I were to just leave it as it is.

Thank you all again, though!


I was actually talking to a friend who mentioned touching up the lines and coloring it in, but I’m pretty sure that would change what the molecules represent and would defeat the entire meaning behind it.

If I had to get it covered and put somewhere else I would, even though I have absolutely no idea what I would cover it with.

The thing that’s most concerning is that he said my skin is too thin there to try and fix or cover, so anything I do will end up blowing out. I’ve seen many people with tattoos over/on/near their collarbones that look great and blowout free.. lol.

I guess there’s basically no way of knowing unless I try, correct?

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