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ok here it is. 😀 i wish it would hurry and heal. it took about 2 hours.


ok i was supposed to get the tattoo done on Tuesday but it had to be postponed until today. i think i am going to leave the words out for now and decide later. but tell me what yall think of this idea. on my right shoulder blade will be the tattoo i have been talking about and later i will get one on my left shoulder blade that contrasts the right one in meaning. i might even make it a female warrior angel type. i just have to figure out what would go good with the one i am getting today that means “never surrender”. any ideas on what kind of symbolism i could use for the left one?


he has been tattooing for 4 years from his house. right now he is in the navy but he aspires to get an apprenticeship and become a tattoo artist after he gets out of the navy. he is going to use his college money from the navy to get a degree in business management also because he wants to one day open his own shop.

Butterfly_Kisses;37964 wrote:
nothing like asking us at the last min :confused:
i think you should come back to the wording later .

show us a pic when you have it done 😉

ya i know. its just last minute because my buddy from the Navy is in town and he is doin it for free so i cant pas that up. lol

Butterfly_Kisses;37874 wrote:
Already sounds like a lot going on , i think i wouldnt bother with wording at all .
how large are you having this piece done ??

its gonna be on my right shoulder blade. so probably no more then 6 inches tall but im not exactly sure. i really want some words in ther somethere tho. if i cant figure anything out that i like ill just save that part for later.

KnightHawk;37903 wrote:
“Nunquam trado” above the Angel, “mother fucker” below it.

It’s latin for “Never Surrender, Mother Fucker”

“Veni, vidi, vici” translates to “I came, I saw, I conquered”, which is the same concept.

Or you could, like Butterfly said, just leave the words out.

Love. Peace. Metallica.

i like those ideas. im not sure witch one i like better tho. lol keep the brainstorming coming because i am getting it done tomorrow.

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