replied to the topic !st Tattoo!! in the forum Inked Skin 16 years, 4 months ago
@stowsea 28739 wrote:
well the scientific reason is, when you are getting tattooed the body releases endorphins into the brain, its kind of like a high
yea ive heard that too. Thats also why some people say after a while it goes numb….its the endorphins kickn in.:cool:
replied to the topic Are your Markings Meaningful…??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years, 4 months ago
@stowsea 28704 wrote:
a few of mine have meaning, mainly just family stuff. I dont feel that a tattoo has to mean anything, maybe you just like the way it looks. take tribal for example. but that doesnt mean not to think about what you are putting on your body
Good point… to each his own for sure!