replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
i did like 4 drawings last night and i hated them all… 🙁
can’t find a design i like
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
on the contrary i can’t stand speed. i’m all about the acceleration. the only difference between 30, 60 and 90mph is the blur. but when u can pick up 0-60 times in under 3 seconds. or your pulling like 4g’s in acceleration and 4g’s in braking what a rush!
ya i know how dangerous motorcycles are and that they usually die in a wreck. but i can’t…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
i actually just sold my last dirtbike, had to leave the sport cause highschoo has gotten in the way of ridding it. but it was a 250cc 2stroke the same amount of power as a 450cc 4stroke or a 450cc road bike. but ya u always do want more speed. and that Triumph speed triple is a awsome bike. i actually pulled my dad in the shop 3weeks ago and i…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
don’t be worried about your advice. it’s good advice, and i know but i’ve heard it too much (im a thick headed teen after all). i’m lucky i’ve developed the 6th sense already and i’m actually reall cautious on the road. i already see every car as a potential herse! i know the dangers of the road and i’m still willing to get a motorcycle. but i…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
ya i know about the other drivers being my danger… thats y the sport bikes are so appealing to me (besides them being sleek and sexy). sport bikes have the best acceleration, braking and monuvering capabilities, their for their the safest bike because they can get u out of a situation better then any bike. but they can also get u into a…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago the kind of tattoo i want to be put on my back. of course the pattern will be a little different and across the whole back
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
i buy my own vehicles and my parents pick up the insurance (we only buy the bare minimal insurance so it’s really really cheap). i’ll have the money for my dream bike by the sumer. 2002-2004 Kawasaki Ninja 636.
she has had several of her family killed on sport bikes (her dad and brother) and she is really scared. she trust me on dirtbikes (cause…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
ill go ahead and tell u the motive behind my idea.
i’m a real simple kid, that loves motorcycles more then cars; unfortunetly, my mom won’t let me get a bike and i can’t afford a off-road vehicle. and since i don’t have the motive for a off-road vehicle ill just stick with the idea. so i’ve been pondering how do i keep my thrill of off-road alive…[Read more]
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
those are great!
i know i need to find a particular tread i like, but i just can’t find one. i don’t want to impresonate sand in the tattoo i just want the tread. i want to stay simple im not into the whole elaborite tattoo on my back, mostly because i won’t see it.
thanks for the help.
any idea of a rough pricing? -
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
i want the tire mark
replied to the topic completly new kid, i have an idea but need a little advice. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 2 months ago
uhh, ur killing me…
when u look at off-road tires they have these pieces of rubber sticking off the tire, these “nobbes” sink in the dirt, sand, mud ect.
nobbly’s are just the pieces of the tread that jut out the surface of the wheel.