replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
Thank you very much!
I have so many plans for literary quote tattoos it’s ridiculous, I need to thin them down a bit, haha. -
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
I’d forgotten about this thread, haha. I did end up getting the tattoo, and I did end up going bigger.
Here’s a link http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/004/4/d/Updated_Tat_by_Thea_san.png
I think it was nearing the end of the healing process in those photos.Planning on my next one atm
just need a bit more money from commissions and I’m all set.
replied to the topic Something's not right. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
Thank you!
I’ll do some doodles in school tomorrow and post it up -
replied to the topic Something's not right. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
Haha, I hear that (the lobster thing)! One of my friends said that the other day
Thank you very much for the advice, I’ll rework it a little and repost in a bit
Sorry for the poor quality, was taken with my webcam.
I’m still not keen on the wings, but I think the tail is much nicer now. -
replied to the topic Hellewww. in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years ago
Aww thank you lol
replied to the topic Hellewww. in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years ago
Thank you
Planning on a quote from my favourite poem
did a thingy in photoshop, http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/3113/eliot4copy.png is roughly how I want it.
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
Haha xD nice going.
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
I came across it a while back and didn’t like it much, it just didn’t do anything for me. But I re-read it again recently and fell in love.
I shallI’m not the type to get something like a tattoo rashly. I really do my homework with these kinds of things xD
replied to the topic Hellewww. in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years ago
I have two sets of lobes, 2x right helix and left tragus. I’m considering left snug but I don’t know if I could stand the healing process lol, tragus was bad enough. -
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
This is true
Yeah that’s a good point. I’ll need to do some rethinking
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
I’m not unsure in the sense that I think I’m going to regret it, I’m mainly just paranoid about what other people will think. Which I shouldn’t be. I’m sure there’ll always be some kind of uncertainty, I mean it is a permanent mark on your skin. Especially seeing as it’s my first.
But I don’t feel so unsure that I’m seriously considering not…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Speculation. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 15 years ago
Ahh yeah. That wouldn’t be good at all. Maybe I’ll rethink the placement a little so it won’t look so pretentious if I were to make it bigger. My mum already thought it was too big when I drew it on last night (but she’s silly) so I’ll have to do some thinking.
At least the sun thing won’t be much of a problem, I tend to avoid it like the plague.…[Read more]