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Tattoo Tom

Loving all the comments and involvement in this forum ๐Ÿ™‚

Asenath83 – I didn’t even think of having someone design one for me, I liked kind of liked this one I found on flickr

Sherav – I’m not too familiar with the differences in the trad style and the modern style. Can you point me to some sites I can take a look at them? I’m thinking of getting it colored, I have a bit of dark skin though so I want to find out how it would look on my skin.

Oh also do you guys know any places in the LA area that do some quality work? I’m moving to LA next week and want to start trying to find a shop that I can potentially get my tattoo.

Thanks for all your input guys!

Tattoo Tom

Hey thanks for the welcomes ๐Ÿ™‚ S.Neal I don’t have a shop I’m just a tattoo fan. Looking to get a koi fish tattoo fairly soon, but still looking a design I really want.

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Tattoo Tom

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