replied to the topic What do you think? in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
Dude, those are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! The detail in all three is amazing, I especially like the face one–it looks very realistic.
How long did it take for all those?
replied to the topic My "collection" to date in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
Thank you. I’ve still got plenty of room, I’m not shy–heck, even if I were shy there’s still plenty of room…for now. Saving up for a back piece that’ll take up a lot of real estate. In the meantime, next one’s going on my hip.
replied to the topic My "collection" to date in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
I just found out that my current artist is leaving the biz because his heart isn’t in it any more and he wants to pursue a career in music. Fortunately, there are a million studios in my area but I was really happy with this guy, he is really great and I’m going to miss him. Just wanted to vent a little…
replied to the topic Some really bad questions…..answered! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years ago
OMG…just thinking about doing half the stuff on that list is making me cringe!!!!! People actually ask these questions??? Yikes! I won’t let ANYONE near me while my tats are healing and I try to keep them uncovered whenever possible too; I take good care of my babies.
My favorite people are the people who DON”T have tattoos that hand out…[Read more]
replied to the topic My "collection" to date in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
Thanks, I think… (GO PATS!!!)
Let’s see…the first two were done by the same artist, the second two by another and the last 3 by yet another. This is what happens when you move around a lot…going in Thursday for touch-ups on the helmet and Mickey–going to get quote on #8 (and maybe #9 too!)
replied to the topic What was your first tattoo? (Photo)? in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
@ironhorse95 20703 wrote:
words are good but pics are better.
I’m with you ironhorse95! Here is a pic of my first. I put it on my right breast because it was my first and I was told that that was a good place to put one, as a woman–wouldn’t hurt much (not that they do anywhere) and I can choose to show it or not. The reason I chose the design…[Read more]
replied to the topic My "collection" to date in the forum Inked Skin 17 years ago
Since I can only post 5 pix at a time…here are the other 2…