The _Killing Joke
replied to the topic Death Is Certain. Life Is Not in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@D3FiANC3 138325 wrote:
Top 5? There are literally hundreds (or more?) artists out there right in all corners of the globe that are just outright fantastic. If you’re content to settle for subpar work, hey it’s your body. Don’t start in with that crap about “top 5 famous artist” though. No one here cares if the artist that did the work is…
replied to the topic Death Is Certain. Life Is Not in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
Agreed with your comment on the pain aspect. When you have multiple tattoos the pain is all the same. It doesn’t hurt 95% of the time because you dealt with it. Second comment is sort of true. She has been doing this for less than a year and skills have vastly improved over the months. We are not done per say. We are letting it heal up first and…[Read more]
replied to the topic Why do others stare at people that have tattoos? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years ago
I will only stare at a tattoo if it is interesting or good. Tribals and other pictures are good, but they are like a dime a dozen. If you have something different I would definitely walk up to you and ask. Staring is the most annoying thing for me so I don’t do it to other people.
replied to the topic User name Tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
The Video should be good now. My artists name was Kerry O”neil
replied to the topic Need Ideas in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years ago
I knew of back round, but I wanted to do some thing like a heart of darkness, so it looks like they are battling for something, but I don’t think it will fit. So that is why I am looking at adding something that people will know and is small and will fit right.