replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 6 months ago
this was my first drawing of the idea
looks like shitthis was my redraw with color I hate backgrounds and got super lazy with it but my artist will get the gist of it and I used a pen i hadnt used before and the bitch bled when i started doing color
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 6 months ago
exactly clay its an eventual dream i was just looking for input and I got that. thanks for the tip on steadying my lines because that is one thing i really need to improve. Where are you getting your degree?
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 6 months ago
haha it was supposed to be defensive i was just saying these things were thought out beforehand. I’m excited to add color to it
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 6 months ago
his feet are supposed to be different sizes because of depth perception and his right eye would be slightly visible but as i was drawing this out in pencil it looked weird with just a corner of an eye so i made it flatter and just gave a peak of his eyebrow.
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
nah buttwheat hes going to be underwater once I add color. and Clay I agree I have a ways to go but I’m going to MIAD for Illustration the next 4 years so that should help. and I already work in watercolors all the time I’ll upload some of my other work tomorrow thank you for your input. I do draw every day as it is but I need to find time to draw…[Read more]
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
i’m not a drinker so no booze and im going to switch the diamond for a light bulb like hes got a great idea i tried lowering the moustache in photoshop and didnt like it as much i also added bushy eyebrows and some scruff and some line weight i’ll put picture up later tonight. i started drawing in a dog and it just looked like an after though. Are…[Read more]
replied to the topic hobo platypus in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
the weirdness is the best part!
replied to the topic South park sleeve! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 7 months ago
to tell him to go for it! people are going to like what you do and people are going to hate what you do regardless of what you actually do.
divergent spectrum is amazing
replied to the topic South park sleeve! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 7 months ago
south part annoys the piss out of me so in my opinion I’m not a fan of the idea. but since you’ve already got cartman done then fuck it why not go all out?
replied to the topic Foot Tattoos on guys in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 7 months ago
i think it depends on the tattoo as well. something frilly and flowery is going to look feminine no matter where it is but I’ve seen a simple black peace sign look good on a guys foot
replied to the topic Looking for someone artistic in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
the letters aren too visiible at all! id call that a successful cover up. the flower looks good
replied to the topic Madison, WI? in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 13 years, 7 months ago
Im in Oconomowoc which is half way between Madison and Milwaukee and I go to Barry at Waukesha tattoo company. Itd be a bit of a drive but he’s great. I haven’t seen to much work that I like coming out of Madison.
replied to the topic 1st real tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
i decided to wait on the chest simply because after 4 years of art school i’m going to be able to come up with a much stronger idea. my chest is going to be my graduation present. and I love him and he does look stoned but hes just relaxing and enjoying the day. I’m excited for color
Just finished a quick sketch of what I’m thinking for my second…[Read more]
replied to the topic Stretching prices? in the forum Pierced Skin 13 years, 7 months ago
meowgie it looks like you have a blowout.
tapers are shit. once you get past 5mm you should use teflon tape to stretch. Wait atleast a month between sizes then wrap 1-2 layers of tape around your plugs every 3 or 4 days and keep them oiled up so they dont dry your ears out, then in a week or two you put your plugs of the next size in only wearing…[Read more]
replied to the topic My new tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 7 months ago
i thought it said prejudice is ue hat fools ufe for a reason
replied to the topic the Slowth in the forum Tattoo Ideas 13 years, 8 months ago
curious georges retarded brother is funny in my mind so thats alright
replied to the topic the Slowth in the forum Tattoo Ideas 13 years, 8 months ago
I am too Im straight up counting down the days. 43 days. I’m so hyped. after the outline for that I think I’m getting my slowth then doing color for my chest in a few sessions
replied to the topic the Slowth in the forum Tattoo Ideas 13 years, 9 months ago
July 20th at 11am. I’m a poor college kid sorry buttwheat
replied to the topic Lowest gauge to get pierced at in the forum Pierced Skin 13 years, 9 months ago
another problem with that jewlery is that it is externally threaded. props for getting your lobes actually pierced with a hollow needle. I was 9 years old and stupid when i pierced mine with a sewing needle. i should slap myself for that one. im paying for it now stretching I’ve got some fun old scar tissue in there.
replied to the topic Sorry for the wait :] in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 9 months ago
that is one solid tattoo sir you should be very proud of that ink
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