replied to the topic Just wanted to say Hi, I'm new too. in the forum Introduce Yourself 17 years ago
I am luvin it here so far. Happy to be here.
replied to the topic I'm after a heart with wings design in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 17 years ago
@dave mac 22759 wrote:
the tribal around it does make it look cool. But with regards to the wings i was ideally looking for something a bit more realistic looking, rather than how they are on there. I think my best bet will to be kinda grab lots of different elements and just go into a tattoo place and see if they can draw something up for…
replied to the topic Cupcake in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
Kat tattooed a cupcake on her friends rib cage on Miami Ink.
The signifigance? I am not sure. I think it just might mean that you are tasty sweet decadent like cupcakes.
replied to the topic I'm after a heart with wings design in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 17 years ago
Adding the tribal lines around the edges makes the heart more masculine. However it doesn’t have a scroll but something like this could be modified.
replied to the topic Swallows in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years ago
Whats the significance? Lots of people seem to get swallows
Swallows to me are associated with fidelity and love -a swallow chooses a mate for life and will only nest with that one bird and no other. They originated as Sailors tattoos, I am not sure why, perhaps loyalty to their country. When a sailor sees a swallow it means that land is nearby.