replied to the topic Name of actor whose name appeared in Guinness Book of World Records for in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 7 months ago
I don’t know about hero, but I do know that Ned Beatty is in the Guinness Book for most character actor roles in movies. He has made like 500 movies. But never been star in one of them.
replied to the topic What happens if a lead actor dies in the middle of filming a movie? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 7 months ago
It all depends on how much of the movie that they have completed. With The Crow, Brandon Lee died at a point in the movie where they altered the ending and provide a stand-in that was never shot up close. Interview with the Vampire was in production with River Phoenix playing the role of the reporter interviewing Brad Pitt. After he died during…[Read more]