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  • on the inside of your lip!

    or if you are allowed it on your hand, this is going to be the supiedst exsplination ever… if you put you hand palm down on the table and then lift it so that your thumb is pointing upwards, the bit which is still sat on the table (if that makes sence) Were Billy Conily has his guitar tattoo iif thats a better…[Read more]

  • humm this is quite odd that you both say that you have had your tunnes colse back up.

    I personaly have never looked into stretch ears because i have had one friend in particular who had a 5mm hole, he took it out last year some time and there is still quite a obvious hole! Also know a girl who has the same!

  • Hey again jade,

    I was reading up on stretching tattoos as like i say my girlfriend wants one in a similar place and after a bit of research i have read that so many females have had tattoos on thier lower stomach, have got heavily pregnant and the tattoo has majorly stretched and after having the baby the tattoo has returned to its normal shape…[Read more]

  • I know exactly how you feel jade! If it is something which is going to be there forever then you want to get it right!

    Just get thinking, i mean I think i read you want something at the bottom of the lowe back right? You can start with something small and then always add to it later, i suppose thats the cool think with a pattern like design (if…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the reply jade!

    I am pretty proud that i did it myself, took a long time to get it to that! Although it still needs major work, I am not happy with the A at all but i will be trying my hardest to get it sorted! Also after having a chate with my mate he says the ribs are possibly the most painful area to have tatooed, along with your…[Read more]

  • looks pretty kool Jade! Hit us up with some photos once its done!

    My missus wants some thing on here lower back aswell at the moment!

  • i have seen this photo before and like in previous discusions where does the end of the gun go or point? would look a bit pathetic when you are trying to impress a ladie in the bedroom and you have a gun tattoo randomly placed on your lower stomach. I have also woundered if there is a end on the gun or not?

    bit lame in my eyes to be honest! A gun…[Read more]

  • The design i have come up with is a similar sort of style, I have chosen the word faith for the reasons i said above and here is a very vauge idea, i have rotated the image for you to save you the trouble of trying to sit on your head ot turn the PC screen upside down! I have chosen to do it like this because i feel its diffrent. The cool factor…[Read more]

  • @LadyJade..x 25374 wrote:

    hiya again tom i live in whitstable
    no i dont use msn nemore ๐Ÿ™ sorry ๐Ÿ™‚
    so what you having done for your first tattoo then and where you having it ?

    what you think of that website any good?


    Oh yes, i am coming down to whitstable this thursday lovely place!

    I dont blame you MSN sucks! :p

    Great site, never seen…[Read more]

  • thanks for the reply Jade.

    Where abouts in the south east are you from? i am from the cantebury area.

    I have got my tattoo all designed and drawn up and i have found the exact place i want it, has taken me a very long time to decide but i have finaly settled on something!

    I am just going to go and have a look through that link you have sent me…[Read more]

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