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  • replied to the topic Hello All! in the forum Introduce Yourself 8 years, 9 months ago

    @Dan 147157 wrote:

    try some fragrance free lubriderm a a few times a day,leave it alone,and wait the couple months it takes to fully heal.

    Yeah that’s what I was using but I haven’t used anything since Tuesday night. Everything I’ve read says to keep it dry and not use anything right now. I’m just scared to touch it and accidentally pull a scab…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Hello All! in the forum Introduce Yourself 8 years, 9 months ago

    @Dan 147155 wrote:

    if you think it’s infected,go see your doctor TODAY !

    Oh believe me, I went to urgent care. That night at work when it got bad I wasn’t able to leave so I had to wait til I was off in the morning. They said it is Cellulitis and gave me Cipro. The pic on my profile is from earlier and it’s looking a lot better than it was. Just…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Hello All! in the forum Introduce Yourself 8 years, 9 months ago

    Is my original reply there? I don’t see it but it says it’s there. If not than the pic is on my profile, it’s the only pic there and was taken 10 or 15 minutes ago. After 2 days of taking Cipro it actually looks a lot better than it did. Oh and I should add that I work in a plastic injection molding plant where it could be contaminated easily and…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Hello All! in the forum Introduce Yourself 8 years, 9 months ago

    @buttwheat 147152 wrote:

    Please post a link to a picture of it. No one will be able to tell you anything about it with out seeing it.

    I can’t add the URL or anything since I’m on a phone but you can see it on my profile, it’s the only pic on there. The doc prescribed me Cipro but I’m wondering what else I’m able to do to care for it while…[Read more]

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