replied to the topic First Tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 5 months ago
I went big for my first tattoo… and i havent regretted it yet… i havent regretted any of my tattoos. But, I do agree with what everyone else is saying… find something that has meaning to you… remember this is going to be on your body for the rest of your life. All of my tattoos have significant meaning to me, and will always remind me…[Read more]
replied to the topic Dogwood Blossom Idea in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 5 months ago
you’re definitely going to want shading… i can almost guarantee it… tattoos look so much better once theyre shaded in ๐ But, yea, i agree, white ink wont last on anybody… i dont know much about dogwood trees, but im assuming they only bloom white flowers… but when the artist does the shading he can give the allusion of white
replied to the topic stretching in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 5 months ago
i think the only time you have to worry about stretching of a tattoo is when your skin is stretching a huge amount, like when a woman becomes pregnant or something like that. But, if you’re that worried about it, the bonier areas of your body aren’t going to stretch as much as other parts, but bonier parts are also a lot more painful to get tattooed
replied to the topic HELP!!- what should i do?? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years, 5 months ago
I would stick to blacks and grays with maybe a hint of blue shading in the wave but i wouldnt do much more than that, im a big fan of black and gray ๐