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  • xxTOPDOGxx;77064 wrote:
    From experience, I can say, most tattoo artists will not do as good a job on a tat that someone has drawn up and brings to them. They take no ownership of the piece. If you want a really good tattoo, you first need to find an artist and give them the oppertunity to create your design. If your not happy, 98% of the time…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Total newbie here in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 3 months ago

    I had already made a post in the Find an Artist forum so I’ll just cross post it here:

    So, after kicking the idea around for a few years I’ve decided that I’d like to finally get a tattoo! Thing is though, I cannot draw to save my life, so, what I need is someone who is willing to volunteer to put something together for me! I know the artist at…[Read more]

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