replied to the topic Advice on a cover up tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 7 months ago
Talk to an artist see if they can bright’n it up i think ive heard of artist doing that they have skin colored ink and im pretty sure it would work for that but if not maybe laser or even wrecking balm not quite sure if that works or not but its alot cheaper and supposivley it works theyve been around for about 6 years now if i didnt i dont think…[Read more]
replied to the topic Another Cover Up Today in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 7 months ago
Nice bro. Thats clean work.
im in the same situation my self with a caddilac symbol im trying to cover up on my arm.
replied to the topic Problem with black ink! in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 14 years, 7 months ago
Talk to an artist… that what everyone says right? well i didnt look at alot of the pics but if its not to crazy and solid tribal you can throw colors pics and all kinds of shit behind it where it isnt filled in. idk if youve ever watched dog the bounty hunter but that dudes son had sum tribal the last time i watched it like ayear ago and i…[Read more]