replied to the topic White ink substitute? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 12 years ago
Dude with out white color i think tattoos are not too much attractive and specially skin color.Tattoos are attractive to when they make with the shining color..I really like these tattoos…
replied to the topic Is Katy Perry's sanskrit tattoo correct? in the forum Celebrity Skin 12 years ago
Yeah i totally agree with you cascade505 that this is kinda awkward tattoos which is very attractive for all the viewers specially for me..But i have one question in my mind that is the pain feel when any one make the tattoos in his body?
replied to the topic London Tattoo Studios – any recommendations? in the forum UK Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 12 years ago
Hello guys…I like the tattoos but i have no idea that where is the best place for the tattoos in the London because i am live in Canada but i work on your task and tell to you that which place is the best in London for the tattoos…
replied to the topic My first tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 12 years ago
Congratulation dude that you make the tattoos first time i see the pic of the tattoos which you make in your arm its looking very attractive and handsome..How much time is spend to make this tattoos?
replied to the topic football tattoo idea-brutal honesty required in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years ago
Wow that great tattoos which is make in the arm Its amazing for me but in this area i have no found the tattoos maker person.I am not make the tattoos before..Can you tell me that during the making of tattoos pain is appeared?