replied to the topic my ink…phoenix and other things in the forum Inked Skin 16 years, 3 months ago
wish the pics worked
replied to the topic My daughter went ahead and pierced her lip after her father and I told her she was in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years, 4 months ago
Hey my daughter will be 14 in DEC and she has had her nose pierced for about a year now. Like it was said earlier let her be her as with piercing they can be takin’ out, but with tattoos I have already told her and my 9 year old and nieces that they have to wait untill they are at least 16 and I will do them at the shop where I work and if they…[Read more]
replied to the topic your views on toungue piercing in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years, 4 months ago
I have had mine for about 4 yrs and it did not hurt at all during the piercing or healing the only problem I have had was chipped teeth from biting down on it, but that was from not knowing that I needed to chage to a shorter stud after healing