buttwheat;82656 wrote:
Some fish, a crab, an octopus, a lobster,some seaweed, some coral, an eel, a scuba diver,some squids, a sunken ship,an old boot,a sand dollar, a giant clam, a mermaid, Sponge Bob, a submarine, a seal, the plug in the bottom of the sea. hope that helped
Sweet yes it did thanks just not sure how to incorperate and mesh it all together on one leg? I would probably want a shark, octupus, sea weed, coral, and I wanted this http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=shark+tattoos&view=detail&id=A8084231B2C3BFEF1ADD6EA1EFC33FBA8C855227&first=61&FORM=IDFRIR but I have no clue how to put it all together and feel that the big shark would look strange with the other stuff. Any more ideas?