replied to the topic Parrott skeleton artist? in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 16 years ago
Thanks for the input guys and gals! Ya, thats about what I expected…I guess living in New England is my problem. People are rude and self centered and just want your money. I have had similar run ins with the “Well, get work, or get out” situation. (Never seen a dog peeing in the studio though!!!!)
And still laughing about the scribbled out line!
replied to the topic New Pinup in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 16 years ago
For what its worth….I used to date a girl that was very old school. She was into hot rods, and worked as a mechanic. She also happened to bare a striking resemblance to the famous Betty Page. She had talked about getting some pin up ink done, and I think on her it would have been sexy as hell. Maybe it depends on the person (I couldn’t see…[Read more]
replied to the topic Parrott skeleton artist? in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 16 years ago
Thanks for the reply. When I did my Parrott, I was living in Virginia, and thankfully stumbled across an incredible artist who did the work. I saw his portfolio online first. I have been having a hard time finding online portfolio’s of people around Boston. Is it rude to walk into a place, ask to see thier work, then leave? Even if the first…[Read more]