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Sherav;43208 wrote:
You also need plenty of green tea.

That’s not a problem as I drink green and regular tea all day long. (decaf mind you)

I guess I’ll have to go to the walk in clinic and see if I can make payments. Thanks again for the advice.

One other thing, could it be the fault of the tattoo artist? Could going too deep be the cause? I took very good care of it in the following days.


Thanks for the replies. It has actually gotten worse since I took those pics. Can it be infected without seeing any puss? It has scabbed even more and is pretty swollen and tender right now. But I don’t know what to do, as I don’t have health insurance.


I uploaded a couple pics to my album. Is it supposed to hurt this much? Thanks.

Izarrasink;43044 wrote:
well it hasnt been overworked at all by the look of it, it should be fine, just dont pick!!!

If you could see it now, you might change your tune. It’s so scabbed over that it’s unrecognizable, and feels like my arm was run over by a truck. Is it supposed to be this way?


Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to try the dry heal method. I hear that the scabs will fall off quicker this way. I guess I’ll find out. Wish me luck.

Btw, I added a pic of the tattoo in my album. This was taken soon after I got it.

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