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  • replied to the topic Some Kokopelli progress in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago

    Mostly because I wanted Kokopelli to be singing a song about something. I thought long and hard about it. This is my bassist tattoo and I didn’t just want another bass clef tattoo or a sleeve with a bass clef as the center piece. Infact the bass clef is a very small part of the tattoo. I am also a fan of crypto zoology (I also have a Sasquatch…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Some Kokopelli progress in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago

    Thanks. I can’t wait to finish it and start on my other leg, it will be ocean themed.

    Hahahahah! True dat. It was one of those A&W/Long John Silver. I had a cheese burger and root beer before my tattoo but they gave me a Long John Silvers cup.

  • replied to the topic Kokopelli WIP in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    I got the rest of the outline done today. I’m pretty happy with it. Super excited to color it.

  • replied to the topic New Octopus Tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    Dude, that is awesome! I have always liked the idea of a cephalopod tattoo. Great work!

  • replied to the topic Kokopelli WIP in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    There is a shop here in Stillwater, Ok called College Ink. Artist there named Matt has done all of my tattoos. He is great!

    Yeah El Chupacabra is The Goat Sucker. I believe he was first “spotted” in puerto rico actually. Back then he was a more alien creature instead of the rabbid dog/racoon/coyote/vermin he tends to be now.

  • replied to the topic Kokopelli WIP in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    Yeah I can’t wait for it to be colored in!

    I realize he is usually depicted with a flute. I play bass guitar so I gave him a bass. He is also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music. In this case he is telling a tale of El Chupacabra with his mystical tunes. Now – a – days he has kinda been reduced to nothing more than a tourist…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Kokopelli in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    Thanks for all the complements!

    Yep its my design. My boss gave me a pen pad a few months ago. I took a picture of one of my basses and traced over it and made it the red and orange color then I drew kokopelli around it. My first pen pad drawing and it wasn’t the best but I loved it and my inker made it way awesome on my flesh!

    Here is the…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic rank the pain in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago

    Top of my foot was the least painful

    My armband and calf ink were equally painful worse than the foot one but not by much. There was one spot on each tattoo that was a bitch though. The closest portion to the inside of my arm on the band, I don’t really remember where it was on the leg. And the foot, it was the most painful at the spot near my…[Read more]

  • Hmmm I’ll just put my ipod on random and jot down the first 15 tunes.

    Satellite Skin – Modest Mouse
    Satisfaction – Benny Benassi ( Don’t get me wrong, thats strictly for my coutis mix. Im not a huge fan of trance or whatever that stuffs called but it can be great to go to bonetown while listening to.)
    Hello Skinny – Primus
    Go With the Flow -…[Read more]

  • Sounds cool! I like the use of the canoe alot. I’ll be getting an indian themed tattoo pretty soon so I’m definitely into that sort of work. Although ours are going to be vastly different. Yours sounds like it’ll be more realistic and more of a tribute to the culture. Mine will be very colorful and full of symbols intertwined with my own lust…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Ink Addict in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago

    Asenath83;57060 wrote:
    That is one awesome idea, looking forward to the “in progress” reports! The armband made me laugh out loud rather literally.

    At least that makes me feel less mad, I read beforehand that the OUTLINES were bad… but I agree with you, I found the shading much less pleasant.


    Yeah I am kinda spoilt with the…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Ink Addict in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago

    I’m thinking so. Everything but my neck face and forearms is fair game. I might end up a highschool biology teacher one day and my blood happens to be far to thick no mater what climate I am living in to wear long sleeve shirts every work day. Thanks for the suggestions so far. I’m thinkin I’ll have to bring in a dvd to zone out with since he has…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Finally got my Coelacanth in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    Thanks for all the positive reply fellas. I’m really digging itthe more I see it with my other leg tattoo. They got similar color schemes and I’m already begining to think of what to fill in the space between my foot and calf with. After my first color tattoo (calf one) I dunno if I can do another solid color tat. Although my black tattoo is still…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Finally got my Coelacanth in the forum Inked Skin 15 years ago

    strick9;56342 wrote:
    sweet looking jod man.that foot’s a bitch ain’t it:p

    Man I guess I psyched myself out so much it didn’t hurt. Everyone told me it was gonna be real bad. Out of my three tattoos so far it was the least painful to do. Although the first day after tattooing it was the most sore of the three. The dude told me I took it better…[Read more]

  • Yeah I’ll post pics as I get them. I don’t have any of the designs drawn out except for kokopelli or I’d post them but what I can do is decribe them. 😀 The next one is going to be in the style of those Jesus/Darwin/Evolve/Etc, etc…Fish. Only its going to be of a Coelacanth! I’m not sure where to place it yet. In my head it just screams…[Read more]

  • Sorry for digging up an old thread but I didn’t want to make a new one just for a simple update.

    Anyways the idea still stands but I’ve made a few changes and I am now 100% certain on this particular tattoo. It is no longer a back piece, its going to be on my left calf. The bassist Kokopelli will be on the outside of my calf and musical notes…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the input guys. I can see how you’d think it will be “sticker looking” but keep in mind that this is only an idea and it wont be solid colors there will be shading and such in the finished product. Instead of me going to matt (my artist) and saying “Hey man I want Kokopelli with a bass and uh…two bisons, maybe some kinda tribalesque…[Read more]

  • Thanks! Primus sucks! Heh. I’ve only been able to see Claypool once, it was right after the Fancy Band put out Of Whales and Woes. It was like the first time he’s been in oklahoma in about a decade. It was awesome. He knew how much we have been left out so he pretty much covered every side project since primus broke up. Did oysterhead, Holy…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic My new addiction. in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years ago

    Yes, Biological sciences. For the longest time I’ve wanted to go for Zoology but more recently I have been thinking of combining my two passions in life. I might just end up with a Major in Biology/Zoology and a minor in Visual Arts.

    Here is my new tat

    Here is the old

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