replied to the topic Hello all…..let me know if you like …be honest plz…. in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 9 months ago
@zmb187 124065 wrote:
yall think a repair is possible??
Nope. Not unless you repair it with a giant blob of black. Far better to laser it good and proper.
replied to the topic Hello all…..let me know if you like …be honest plz…. in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 9 months ago
@zmb187 124015 wrote:
yeah buttwheat I hear ya but what besides the hands bother you in the second one ??
Everything about it is bad. It looks as if you and a buddy found a tattoo machine lying in the street with 3 ink bottles and after finishing up a case of beer deiced to tattoo each other.
If thats not what happened that is what I would tell…[Read more]