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  • replied to the topic New Ink! in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 11 months ago

    So, between getting a new computer set up and life in general getting in the way, it’s taken a few days to get back on. I expected honest opinions, and here they are. Not that every opinion is the poster’s own, rather than a parroting of someone else’s; but that only applies to a couple.

    There are a couple of flaws that I noticed after the…[Read more]

  • Think dudette rather than dude. 🙂 Thanks for the welcome. I’m getting a pinup girl flipping the bird for my next piece, on the inside of my right bicep. My artist is drawing something up for me, apparently the whole shop was discussing it and thinks it’s going be pretty cool. I called to see if there was a drawing I could look at a couple days…[Read more]

  • I also live in Nampa, and just got an awesome tattoo at a new shop here in town. It’s called Munster’s Ink, it’s next to the Albertsons on the corner of 12th Ave and 7th St. The shop is really clean, they are very professional, and Mike (the owner) does VERY good work, nice sharp clean lines and great color. I got a big tribal wolf for my first…[Read more]

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