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BigAndy1988;102119 wrote:
The best way i deal with pain is to talk (Read more for explanation).

Sounds simple huh? Well for me it is heh. I use speech as a distraction, i haven’t had any work done on me yet because I want my tatoo to make me look young, and a very good place to find young tatoos is here, but in my life i have went through allot of painful things, Someone at a party thought it would be a great idea to BRAND ME .

Yes brand =S. They stuck a Zippo on my left wrist that was white hot. At first it hurt so bad i thought i was going to be sick!.

But after a couple off minutes off talking to friend’s the pain was more or less gone (most likely due to nerve damage). I hadn’t drank anything so that wasn’t a factor.

So basically my advice is keep your mind on something else, distraction is the key!!.

If i helped you or anyone else feel free to thank me :D.

<3 Big Andy

Hi please forgive me if I misunderstood you but I’m new to this place. Are you saying in order not to move while you get a tatoo you should focus on another source of pain by holding for instance something burning in your hand ? thanks very much

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