replied to the topic User name Tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@Zukei 138169 wrote:
I was thinking this, also. I believe portraits and realism tattoos are best left to those who specialise in them since it is such a delicate art.
I’ve seen some really well done portraits, but I’ll never have one on me. I originally wanted to go with realism but they’re tattoos. As a body ages it changes and I think what I…[Read more]
replied to the topic First Tattoo – Japanese Sleeve [In Progress] in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@Zukei 138168 wrote:
How are you constantly getting work done?? The parlour must be your second home by now, haha.
He lives an hour away and If he has time on my days off, Monday and Tuesday, I fill in the voids in his schedule. I had two more hours last week, and I’m going in Tuesday at 3:00 PM. He wants my leg and arm done for the Baltimore…[Read more]
replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@Zukei 138171 wrote:
Damn man, those are awesome. There very few artists in Victoria I’d trust to do realism like that but I might have to look Mick Squire up and check out his work. The skull is done very nicely, too.
Thanks dude, yeah for sure. Mick has been killing it latley, aswell as the whole ‘Inkjecta’ crew..
Next up is a visit to Emily Rose.
replied to the topic First Tattoo – Japanese Sleeve [In Progress] in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 2 months ago
@Zukei 136884 wrote:
I want to go to Ben Laukis for my next tattoo. I’m not sure whether to use a theme or not though as he does portraits. It’s pretty much down to Scorsese characters, gangster movie characters or simply great character portrayals in film.
laukis is one of my fav artists coming out of AUS right now. hope it works out for you!
replied to the topic Went to the Melbourne Tattoo/Body Art Expo – Artists & Ideas for my next tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 3 months ago
replied to the topic First Tattoo – Japanese Sleeve [In Progress] in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 3 months ago
@Zukei 135509 wrote:
Edit: Sam-I-Am, I swear your sig said 74 hours of ink and counting like 2 weeks ago! That’s insane.
I had a quickie one hour session with Lindsay Wilson on 8-6-13. She put the hippy dude on the VW’s running board. That was the 74th hour.
I took in smoked beef sticks. That session brought my ink investment up to $3,955.00.…[Read more]